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1 document with 9 pages

project date: 2012 | by susan jurasz

In Tualatin, Oregon, most, if not all, of the locals are aware of the Ice Age - they are surrounded by daily reminders. School kids of all ages meander past the 14,000 year old mastodon skeleton as they enter the new public library; a tusk and molar can be seen at the Heritage Center; glacial erratics deposited during the Ice Age floods are scattered around town; a local high school teacher and his students conduct digs unearthing the skull and horns of an ancient bison. Today, many of Tualatin's public art pieces celebrate this icy history with creative fountains shaped like blocks of ice with water urns trapped inside and striated bands of poetry mimicking the scars of a glacier's wake. The Ice Age has shaped more than the land in Tualatin, it has captured the imagination of the people - from hobbyists to academics.

Sea Reach was contracted to re-articulate the mastodon bones, build a structure to display them, and produce the artwork etched in the glass wall behind the bones to give the skeleton a realistic context.



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